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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:828 日期:2016-9-23

BBC News Item 4军事:英国派军阿富汗


The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is expected to confirm that he is sending hundreds

more troops  to Afghanistan,  bringing the  total number  of British  troops there  to about  9,500.

Britain  has the  second  largest NATO  contingent  in Afghanistan  after  the United  States. Our


defense correspondent Caroline Wyatt reports.

In his statement on Afghanistan, it’s believed Mr. Brown will say he’s agreed in principle  to

send around 500  extra British troops to Helmand.  The military advice says that  extra forces are

needed to help  maintain progress and dominate the  ground more effectively to keep  the Taliban

out of key areas. However,  there will be caveats. The Prime  Minister will want assurances from

military chiefs  that the  extra troops  will be  properly equipped.  But he’ll  also expect Britain’s

NATO partners to  follow suit by  offering more forces themselves.  NATO defense ministers  are

likely to discuss troop levels on a meeting formally in Bratislava next week.

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