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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:743 日期:2016-9-23

VOA News Item 4政治:南部非洲的部长们准备报告区域危机

Foreign  ministers of  the  Southern  African  Development Community  met  in  Maputo to

prepare a report  on the region’s  political crises. It  is to be presented  to African leaders  at their

upcoming summit in Ethiopia.


SADC’s Political  and Diplomatic Committee  has been mediating three  major crises  in the



SADC officials said the ministers are pleased  the various parties to the unity government in


Zimbabwe resumed negotiations on implementing their power-sharing agreement. They said they

believed Zimbabwe was on the right path.


The officials said  the ministers also  believe that progress is  being made toward  easing the

conflict in  eastern  Democratic Republic  of Congo  and that  reconciliation  efforts between  the

government and various rebel groups were on the right track.


But the  officials said they  were less optimistic  about the  political crisis in  Madagascar. It

erupted in March after Andry Rajoelina, backed by the military, seized power following the ouster

of then-President Marc Ravalomanana.


SADC  and  the  African  Union  do  not   recognize  the  Rajoelina  government  and  have

suspended Madagascar from their organizations.

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