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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:694 日期:2016-9-23

CNN News Item 4 政治:欧美担心伊朗建国会发生暴乱
The nation of Iran marking a milestone later on this week. On Thursday, the country will celebrate theanniversary of when it became an Islamic republic. This goes back to 1979, when supporters of the AyatollahKhomeini, a religious leader, overthrew the country’s government. Khomeini became the supreme leader ofIran, and the nation officially became an Islamic state. The United States and the European Union areworried about potential violence during Thursday’s celebrations. U.S. and European Union are urging theMiddle Eastern nation to “end its abuses against its own people.” Iranian leaders have denied anyaccusations that the government has abused citizens.

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