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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:724 日期:2016-9-14

VOA News Item 3政治:参议院就索托马约尔就任最高法院大法官进行了讨论

On the second day of debate all signs continued to point toward an easy confirmation win for

Sotomayor, the 55-year-old federal court judge nominated by President Barack Obama earlier this


Although most  of the  40  Senate Republicans  are likely  to vote  against her,  the decision

Wednesday  of  Missouri  Senator Kit  Bond  added  to  the  number  of  Republicans  who  have

committed to voting for her.

Senator Bond,  who is one  of several Republicans  retiring from  the Senate next  year, said

while he respects and agrees with the legal reasoning others in his party used to oppose Sotomayor,

lawmakers have an obligation to show deference to a president’s choice of a nominee.



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