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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:731 日期:2016-9-7

BBC News Item 2 政治:大选在即,布朗遭遇挑战
Less than six months before a general election in Britain, the governing Labour Party isembroiled again in internal strife. Two former cabinet ministers have called for secret ballot ofmembers to decide whether the Prime Minister Gordon Brown should continue as party leader. Mr.Brown has called a general election by June this year. Our political correspondent Rob Watsonreports.
The two former cabinet ministers Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt had stunned everyone atWestminster with their last-minute efforts to challenge Gordon Brown’s leadership. But DowningStreet and Labour Party officials have moved quickly to quash any revolts. Most importantly,current cabinet ministers have come out and backed the prime minister, orbiting some cases withlittle apparent enthusiasm. So the latest challenge looks likely to be short lift. Although manywithin the Labour Party doubt Mr. Brown’s leadership qualities, they also seem to think it wouldonly make things worse to get rid of him before the general election.

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