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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:672 日期:2016-9-7

VOA News Item 2政治:英国政党领袖进行电视辩论第二轮角逐

Britain’s political life has  been dominated for the past three  decades by two parties—the Conservatives, now led by David Cameron, and Labor headed by current Prime  Minister Gordon Brown.

But a third party, the Liberal Democrats, are turning this election into a three-horse race.

Their campaign was  given a major boost by  Britain’s first ever televised debate  last week;

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg emerged as the clear winner.

Viewer polls taken after this  second debate, which focused on foreign policy,  showed there

was no runaway victor.

The last time Britain had a  hung parliament was in 1974. A final televised debate is  to take

place next Thursday, followed by the election on May 6.


The last time Britain had a  hung parliament was in 1974. A final televised debate is to take place next Thursday, followed by the election on May 6.

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