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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:705 日期:2016-9-14

BBC News Item 3军事:英国核缩减计划


The  British  Prime  Minister  Gordon  Brown is  offering  to  scale  back  Britain’s  nuclear

deterrence if an international agreement is reached to cut the world’s nuclear arsenals. Mr. Brown

is expected to tell a special session of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday that he’ll

be willing  to  give up  one of  four royal  navy  submarines that  carry Trident  nuclear missiles.

Officials are insisting that cost isn’t a factor here. Here’s our defence correspondent Nick Childs.

Gordon Brown is saying he’ll be ready  to throw part of the trident force into the port in  the

context of a much bigger global disarmament deal. He said so in general  terms before. This offer

though is more concrete. There is a growing sense that to avoid what some fear could be a sudden

cascade  of new  nuclear  states, the  established  nuclear  powers need  to  do more  in  terms of

disarmament to keep the proliferation regime intact.  The Prime Minister will hope his move will

be seen as an important gesture. But the key to the  process will be the actions of the big players,

the United States and Russia.

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