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频道:教学资源 来源: 点击:726 日期:2016-9-6

CNN News Item 1 政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆
The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is because ofsecurity concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planningan attack against the facility. That same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosiveonboard a plane heading to Detroit, Michigan. That took place on Christmas day. The suspect allegedlybrought the explosives on the plane in his underwear. The plan failed when the device he tried to use didn’tdetonate correctly. Some people have asked how the suspect made it past security. One U.S. official says it’sbecause of human error. President Obama has promised that everyone involved in the attack will be heldaccountable for it. But some critics argue that the president’s response to the situation hasn’t been fastenough, hasn’t been aggressive enough.

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