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汉娜蒙塔娜台词第二季 精选,学习宝典,新闻资讯中心,1瑞安优学家教网

汉娜蒙塔娜台词第二季 精选

频道:学习宝典 来源: 点击:746 日期:2016-9-6

1.Speak your mind and make some noise and sing

2.Hey, hey

3.Make some noise

4.Hey, hey, yeah

5.Okay, everyone starting school on Monday,

6.let me hear y'all make some noise!

7.come on. Wrong noise, wrong noise.

8.We all got to do it, so we might as well have fun.

9.How about we all jump out of bed on Monday and say ''Yeah''?

10.Let me hear you say it!

11.Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!-Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

12.No. No.

13.Come on, Mile. Just jump out of bed and say, ''Yeah, yeah, yeah!''

14.What are you doing?

15.Looking for the snooze button.

16.Oh, no. You don't want to be late for your first day of high school.

17.Don't make me get the water bucket.

18.You wouldn't.

19.Yes, he would.

20.Junior boys.

21.Senior boys.

22.Can you believe it? Yesterday, we were girls.

23.Today, we're high-school girls.

24.Breath. Pits. Boogies. Zits.-Breath. Pits. Boogies. Zits.

25.You're good.-You're...

26.Let's move that little hat down.

27.Hey, bro.

28.Junior. Freshman. No bro. Got to go.

29.Miley, l can't walk around like this all day,

30.l look like a sock puppet.

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