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频道:学习宝典 来源:经济学人赏析 点击:723 日期:2016-9-4

Cornering the markets


出自译者说Cornering the markets


校对:ry.yuan, May

How China continues to reshape the world of commodities



THE world’s biggest consumer of commodities is no longer just an insatiable buyer of everything from coal to gold. A richer, slower-growing and choosier China is becoming an exporter as well as importer. It is also using its clout to change the way commodities are traded, bringing markets closer to home and drawing up rules that suit its needs instead of those of producers and Western financiers.



This week, for example, Chinese regulators gave the go-ahead for foreigners to trade crude-oil futures in Shanghai. When that starts—probably by November—it will be the first time that outsiders have been allowed to buy and sell a listed Chinese futures contract. This is part of a clear plan to change the way commodities are traded, says Owain Johnson of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME). The exchange in Dalian, a port through which many commodities enter China, has become the biggest trading centre for iron ore in the world in less than two years. Shanghai has developed big markets in nickel and copper.

比方说,中国政府本周批准外国人可在上海进行原油期货的交易。该政策预计在十一月前实施。届时,外国人将首次得以买卖已在国内上市的期货合约。迪拜商品交易所(DME)欧文•约翰逊(Owain Johnson)表示,中国制定了旨在改变商品交易方式的清晰蓝图,此举是整个规划的一部分。作为商品进口的重要门户,港市大连在不到两年的时间里已跻身成为全球最大铁矿交易中心。上海则形成了广阔的铜镍市场。


Many expect more gold trading to move to China too. Allegations of rigging have rocked the current hub, in London. China—the world’s largest producer of bullion—announced on June 26th that it would launch a yuan-denominated gold contract in Shanghai by the end of the year. China is reaching “critical mass” in its influence on commodity prices,” says Grant Sporre of Deutsche Bank.

据多方预测,黄金交易将逐渐转移至国内。金价操纵指控导致目前的黄金交易中心——伦敦遭遇大幅震荡。作为全球最大金银生产国,中国在6月26日宣布将于年底前在上海启动以人民币计价的黄金期货合同。德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的格兰特•斯波尔(Grant Sporre)认为,中国对商品价格的影响力正接近临界点。


This is a much more sophisticated way of wielding clout than in the past. An attempt by China in 2010 to corner the market in rare earths—17 exotic metals used in tiny quantities in many modern devices—failed spectacularly. China, which at the time produced 97% of the ores for rare earths, banned exports in the hope of bringing the business of processing these deposits onshore. But rare earths proved not so rare: companies elsewhere revived old mines and ramped up production; by late 2011 prices had plunged.


The goal now is to seize control of price formation. The main global benchmark for crude oil, Brent, relies on data compiled by price-reporting agencies about deals done during a short “window” in the middle of the trading day. State-controlled Chinese oil companies have been playing an increasingly active role in that process, but from the Chinese government’s point of view, bringing the trading closer cuts costs and reduces the impact of events in faraway places from which the country imports little oil. “They ask: ‘Why should a Norwegian oil workers’ strike affect our economy?’” says Mr Johnson.



As the world’s biggest importer, China wants its own benchmark instead, based on transparent and comprehensive data, priced in its own currency and governed by its own laws. The Shanghai oil-futures contract aims to achieve that goal.



As exchanges in mainland China grow, rivals are feeling the squeeze. The Shanghai Futures Exchange is impeding efforts by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing to expand its metals-trading business, following the acquisition of the London Metal Exchange in 2012. In March the Shanghai exchange threatened to sue its Singaporean counterpart for copying a futures contract.



Several obstacles lie ahead, however. Outsiders will not be keen to bear the exchange-rate risk of trades denominated in yuan. The security of the English legal system in case of disputes will be hard to match. Confidence has been dented by a scandal involving Chinese commodity warehouses, in which metals were used as collateral for letters of credit to get around foreign-exchange restrictions.



China is putting a fresh imprint on commodity markets in other ways too. As its economy slows and investment gives way to consumption as the mainstay of growth, the country’s needs are changing. Demand for primary products used mainly in housing and infrastructure—coal, iron ore, steel and aluminium—is slowing. China has already hit “peak coal” (consumption is falling, amid worries about air pollution); peak steel is not far off, with growth of only 1-3% likely after a dip last year. Even copper is fading a bit. Consumption used to grow faster than GDP, notes Colin Hamilton of Macquarie, a bank; now it lags. A related headache is that China, once a sponge for raw materials, is becoming an exporter of things like stainless steel and aluminium, thanks to cheap and abundant power, growing technological nous and a glut of smelting capacity.

中国还采取其他手段在商品市场打上新的烙印。由于经济增速放缓,消费取代投资成为增长支柱,中国的需求也发生了转变。中国对于包括煤炭、铁矿石、钢铁和铝在内的初级产品的需求正在降低,这些产品主要用于住房和基础设施。中国已达到煤炭峰值(空气污染忧虑导致消费需求下降);钢铁峰值也近在眼前,钢铁价格自去年下跌后只有1%—3%的增长。就连铜的需求也出现微降。麦格理银行的科林•汉密尔顿(Colin Hamilton)指出,中国的消费增速过去高于GDP增速,可如今却低于GDP增速。与此相关的一个问题是,作为过去的原材料进口大国,中国凭借富余的廉价能源、不断提升的科技实力及过硬的熔炼能力,正转型成为不锈钢和铝等产品的出口国。


Instead, exporters must look to other commodities for growth. Richer Chinese consumers are stoking demand for dairy products, meat, chocolate and jewellery. That has an effect both on those items directly and on the commodities used to produce them. While imports of iron ore wane, for example, demand for soyabeans, which are used mainly to feed livestock, continues to grow rapidly (see chart). That is partly because China has paved over lots of soya farms, but mainly because meat consumption is up.



Yet it is not certain that this trend will persist. The average Chinese already consumes more calories than the global average, and almost 85% of the American level. A healthy switch from pork to chicken would actually cut demand for agricultural commodities, notes Capital Economics, a consultancy. Hershey, a big confectionery company, has had to trim its forecasts for sales growth in China.

但这一趋势能否延续却是未知数。中国的人均卡路里消耗量高于世界平均水平,几乎占到美国人均水平的85%。咨询公司资本经济(Capital Economics)指出,从食用猪肉到鸡肉的健康转变有助于减少对农产品的需求。糖果巨头好时公司迫于无奈,已调低在华销售增长预期。


Whether China adopts old Western habits or opts for thriftier and healthier ones will shape the commodities industry. But its impact on trading is even more immediate. As every good capitalist knows, the customer is always right. China is using its buyer’s clout to ensure that commodities are traded the way it wants.



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